menstruation & productivity

it’s been a minute since i’ve had a period. the blood flowing from my uterus, shedding, since i didn’t put a baby in there this month.

i’m grateful; i’m too emotionally exhausted for another child right now.

in the mosaic law, God sent the menstruating women outside the camp to give them rest from their labors, to allow them space for self care and community with others who understand where they’re at.

how i can implement this in my modern life? how i can take a step back and allow myself quietude and peace, instead of shaming myself for less productivity, for not meeting my own standards of perfection?

western culture is not compassionate toward women and does not respect the natural order of things. if we expected women to work three out of four weeks, how much happier and more productive might we be?

who is God? He is the God of realistic expectations. He is the God of comfort and rest. He is the God who sees us for who we really are. He knows that we are dust

i respond to You by having realistic expectations for myself, by giving myself space to rest and restore, by respecting the natural processes of my body.

when i give grace and love to myself,
it equips me to love those around me.

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